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Frequently Asked Questions

What ages do you work with?

Ms. Jones works with individuals between ages 3 - 103. Anyone who needs reading assistance will thrive under our expert guidance. 



How much does it cost?

Reading with Ms. Jones has hourly and weekly rates, depending on the needs of the client. If you can't find what you need on our pricing page, please reach out here for a custom quote.



How long does the intervention program take? 

The program can last anywhere from six months to years to complete, depending on the needs of the client. Progress monitoring will occur during services to give you understanding of the duration of the program. 



Can you diagnose my child with dyslexia? 

No. We do diagnostic screeners to alert you to deficits and other concerns, but we can not provide any official diagnoses. 



What if my child is already reading above grade level?

We know that all children have unique needs. We will assess your child to screen for any deficits that could cause problems down the road. However, if there aren't any deficits, we offer extension sessions to build on the skills your child already mastered and accelerate his/her learning even further. 







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